penguins  1.0.0
GamePanel Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for GamePanel:

Detailed Description

Definition at line 50 of file game.hh.

Public Member Functions

 GamePanel (GameFrame *parent, wxWindowID id, NewGameDialog *dialog)
virtual ~GamePanel ()
virtual void update_layout () override
void update_game_state ()
void update_game_log ()
wxString describe_game_log_entry (size_t index) const
GameControllerget_controller_for_current_turn ()
void set_controller (GameController *next_controller)
void show_game_results ()
void update_player_info_boxes ()
void start_bot_progress ()
void stop_bot_progress ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from BaseGamePanel
 BaseGamePanel (GameFrame *parent, wxWindowID id)
virtual ~BaseGamePanel ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from wxPanel
 wxPanel ()
 wxPanel (wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id=wxID_ANY, const wxPoint &pos=wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize &size=wxDefaultSize, long style=wxTAB_TRAVERSAL, const wxString &name=wxPanelNameStr)
virtual ~wxPanel ()
bool AcceptsFocus () const
bool Create (wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id=wxID_ANY, const wxPoint &pos=wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize &size=wxDefaultSize, long style=wxTAB_TRAVERSAL, const wxString &name=wxPanelNameStr)
virtual void InitDialog ()
virtual bool Layout ()
void OnSysColourChanged (wxSysColourChangedEvent &event)
virtual void SetFocus ()
void SetFocusIgnoringChildren ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from wxWindow
virtual bool AcceptsFocusFromKeyboard () const
virtual bool AcceptsFocusRecursively () const
void DisableFocusFromKeyboard ()
bool IsFocusable () const
bool CanAcceptFocus () const
bool CanAcceptFocusFromKeyboard () const
virtual bool HasFocus () const
virtual void SetCanFocus (bool canFocus)
virtual void EnableVisibleFocus (bool enable)
virtual void SetFocusFromKbd ()
virtual void AddChild (wxWindow *child)
bool DestroyChildren ()
wxWindowFindWindow (long id) const
wxWindowFindWindow (const wxString &name) const
wxWindowList & GetChildren ()
const wxWindowList & GetChildren () const
virtual void RemoveChild (wxWindow *child)
wxWindowGetGrandParent () const
wxWindowGetNextSibling () const
wxWindowGetParent () const
wxWindowGetPrevSibling () const
bool IsDescendant (wxWindow *win) const
virtual bool Reparent (wxWindow *newParent)
virtual void AlwaysShowScrollbars (bool hflag=true, bool vflag=true)
virtual int GetScrollPos (int orientation) const
virtual int GetScrollRange (int orientation) const
virtual int GetScrollThumb (int orientation) const
bool CanScroll (int orient) const
bool HasScrollbar (int orient) const
virtual bool IsScrollbarAlwaysShown (int orient) const
virtual bool ScrollLines (int lines)
virtual bool ScrollPages (int pages)
virtual void ScrollWindow (int dx, int dy, const wxRect *rect=NULL)
bool LineUp ()
bool LineDown ()
bool PageUp ()
bool PageDown ()
virtual void SetScrollPos (int orientation, int pos, bool refresh=true)
virtual void SetScrollbar (int orientation, int position, int thumbSize, int range, bool refresh=true)
bool BeginRepositioningChildren ()
void EndRepositioningChildren ()
void CacheBestSize (const wxSize &size) const
virtual wxSize ClientToWindowSize (const wxSize &size) const
virtual wxSize WindowToClientSize (const wxSize &size) const
virtual void Fit ()
virtual void FitInside ()
wxSize FromDIP (const wxSize &sz) const
wxPoint FromDIP (const wxPoint &pt) const
int FromDIP (int d) const
wxSize ToDIP (const wxSize &sz) const
wxPoint ToDIP (const wxPoint &pt) const
int ToDIP (int d) const
wxSize FromPhys (const wxSize &sz) const
wxPoint FromPhys (const wxPoint &pt) const
int FromPhys (int d) const
wxSize ToPhys (const wxSize &sz) const
wxPoint ToPhys (const wxPoint &pt) const
int ToPhys (int d) const
wxSize GetBestSize () const
int GetBestHeight (int width) const
int GetBestWidth (int height) const
void GetClientSize (int *width, int *height) const
wxSize GetClientSize () const
virtual wxSize GetEffectiveMinSize () const
virtual wxSize GetMaxClientSize () const
virtual wxSize GetMaxSize () const
virtual wxSize GetMinClientSize () const
virtual wxSize GetMinSize () const
int GetMinWidth () const
int GetMinHeight () const
int GetMaxWidth () const
int GetMaxHeight () const
void GetSize (int *width, int *height) const
wxSize GetSize () const
wxSize GetVirtualSize () const
void GetVirtualSize (int *width, int *height) const
virtual wxSize GetBestVirtualSize () const
double GetContentScaleFactor () const
double GetDPIScaleFactor () const
virtual wxSize GetWindowBorderSize () const
virtual bool InformFirstDirection (int direction, int size, int availableOtherDir)
void InvalidateBestSize ()
void PostSizeEvent ()
void PostSizeEventToParent ()
virtual void SendSizeEvent (int flags=0)
void SendSizeEventToParent (int flags=0)
void SetClientSize (int width, int height)
void SetClientSize (const wxSize &size)
void SetClientSize (const wxRect &rect)
void SetContainingSizer (wxSizer *sizer)
void SetInitialSize (const wxSize &size=wxDefaultSize)
virtual void SetMaxClientSize (const wxSize &size)
virtual void SetMaxSize (const wxSize &size)
virtual void SetMinClientSize (const wxSize &size)
virtual void SetMinSize (const wxSize &size)
void SetSize (int x, int y, int width, int height, int sizeFlags=wxSIZE_AUTO)
void SetSize (const wxRect &rect)
void SetSize (const wxSize &size)
void SetSize (int width, int height)
virtual void SetSizeHints (const wxSize &minSize, const wxSize &maxSize=wxDefaultSize, const wxSize &incSize=wxDefaultSize)
virtual void SetSizeHints (int minW, int minH, int maxW=-1, int maxH=-1, int incW=-1, int incH=-1)
void SetVirtualSize (int width, int height)
void SetVirtualSize (const wxSize &size)
void Center (int dir=wxBOTH)
void CenterOnParent (int dir=wxBOTH)
void Centre (int direction=wxBOTH)
void CentreOnParent (int direction=wxBOTH)
void GetPosition (int *x, int *y) const
wxPoint GetPosition () const
wxRect GetRect () const
void GetScreenPosition (int *x, int *y) const
wxPoint GetScreenPosition () const
wxRect GetScreenRect () const
virtual wxPoint GetClientAreaOrigin () const
wxRect GetClientRect () const
void Move (int x, int y, int flags=wxSIZE_USE_EXISTING)
void Move (const wxPoint &pt, int flags=wxSIZE_USE_EXISTING)
void SetPosition (const wxPoint &pt)
void ClientToScreen (int *x, int *y) const
wxPoint ClientToScreen (const wxPoint &pt) const
wxPoint ConvertDialogToPixels (const wxPoint &pt) const
wxSize ConvertDialogToPixels (const wxSize &sz) const
wxPoint ConvertPixelsToDialog (const wxPoint &pt) const
wxSize ConvertPixelsToDialog (const wxSize &sz) const
void ScreenToClient (int *x, int *y) const
wxPoint ScreenToClient (const wxPoint &pt) const
virtual void ClearBackground ()
void Freeze ()
void Thaw ()
bool IsFrozen () const
wxColour GetBackgroundColour () const
virtual wxBackgroundStyle GetBackgroundStyle () const
virtual int GetCharHeight () const
virtual int GetCharWidth () const
virtual wxVisualAttributes GetDefaultAttributes () const
virtual wxSize GetDPI () const
wxFont GetFont () const
wxColour GetForegroundColour () const
void GetTextExtent (const wxString &string, int *w, int *h, int *descent=NULL, int *externalLeading=NULL, const wxFont *font=NULL) const
wxSize GetTextExtent (const wxString &string) const
const wxRegionGetUpdateRegion () const
wxRect GetUpdateClientRect () const
virtual bool HasTransparentBackground ()
virtual void Refresh (bool eraseBackground=true, const wxRect *rect=NULL)
void RefreshRect (const wxRect &rect, bool eraseBackground=true)
virtual void Update ()
virtual bool SetBackgroundColour (const wxColour &colour)
virtual bool SetBackgroundStyle (wxBackgroundStyle style)
virtual bool IsTransparentBackgroundSupported (wxString *reason=NULL) const
virtual bool SetFont (const wxFont &font)
virtual bool SetForegroundColour (const wxColour &colour)
void SetOwnBackgroundColour (const wxColour &colour)
bool InheritsBackgroundColour () const
bool UseBgCol () const
bool UseBackgroundColour () const
void SetOwnFont (const wxFont &font)
void SetOwnForegroundColour (const wxColour &colour)
bool UseForegroundColour () const
bool InheritsForegroundColour () const
void SetPalette (const wxPalette &pal)
virtual bool ShouldInheritColours () const
virtual void SetThemeEnabled (bool enable)
virtual bool GetThemeEnabled () const
virtual bool CanSetTransparent ()
virtual bool SetTransparent (wxByte alpha)
wxEvtHandlerGetEventHandler () const
bool HandleAsNavigationKey (const wxKeyEvent &event)
bool HandleWindowEvent (wxEvent &event) const
bool ProcessWindowEvent (wxEvent &event)
bool ProcessWindowEventLocally (wxEvent &event)
wxEvtHandlerPopEventHandler (bool deleteHandler=false)
void PushEventHandler (wxEvtHandler *handler)
bool RemoveEventHandler (wxEvtHandler *handler)
void SetEventHandler (wxEvtHandler *handler)
virtual void SetNextHandler (wxEvtHandler *handler)
virtual void SetPreviousHandler (wxEvtHandler *handler)
long GetExtraStyle () const
virtual long GetWindowStyleFlag () const
long GetWindowStyle () const
bool HasExtraStyle (int exFlag) const
bool HasFlag (int flag) const
virtual void SetExtraStyle (long exStyle)
virtual void SetWindowStyleFlag (long style)
void SetWindowStyle (long style)
bool ToggleWindowStyle (int flag)
void MoveAfterInTabOrder (wxWindow *win)
void MoveBeforeInTabOrder (wxWindow *win)
bool Navigate (int flags=wxNavigationKeyEvent::IsForward)
bool NavigateIn (int flags=wxNavigationKeyEvent::IsForward)
virtual void Lower ()
virtual void Raise ()
bool Hide ()
virtual bool HideWithEffect (wxShowEffect effect, unsigned int timeout=0)
bool IsEnabled () const
bool IsExposed (int x, int y) const
bool IsExposed (wxPoint &pt) const
bool IsExposed (int x, int y, int w, int h) const
bool IsExposed (wxRect &rect) const
virtual bool IsShown () const
virtual bool IsShownOnScreen () const
bool Disable ()
virtual bool Enable (bool enable=true)
virtual bool Show (bool show=true)
virtual bool ShowWithEffect (wxShowEffect effect, unsigned int timeout=0)
wxString GetHelpText () const
void SetHelpText (const wxString &helpText)
virtual wxString GetHelpTextAtPoint (const wxPoint &point, wxHelpEvent::Origin origin) const
wxToolTipGetToolTip () const
wxString GetToolTipText () const
void SetToolTip (const wxString &tipString)
void SetToolTip (wxToolTip *tip)
void UnsetToolTip ()
int GetPopupMenuSelectionFromUser (wxMenu &menu, const wxPoint &pos=wxDefaultPosition)
int GetPopupMenuSelectionFromUser (wxMenu &menu, int x, int y)
bool PopupMenu (wxMenu *menu, const wxPoint &pos=wxDefaultPosition)
bool PopupMenu (wxMenu *menu, int x, int y)
virtual wxValidatorGetValidator ()
virtual void SetValidator (const wxValidator &validator)
virtual bool TransferDataFromWindow ()
virtual bool TransferDataToWindow ()
virtual bool Validate ()
wxWindowID GetId () const
virtual wxString GetLabel () const
virtual wxLayoutDirection GetLayoutDirection () const
virtual wxCoord AdjustForLayoutDirection (wxCoord x, wxCoord width, wxCoord widthTotal) const
virtual wxString GetName () const
wxWindowVariant GetWindowVariant () const
void SetId (wxWindowID winid)
virtual void SetLabel (const wxString &label)
virtual void SetLayoutDirection (wxLayoutDirection dir)
virtual void SetName (const wxString &name)
void SetWindowVariant (wxWindowVariant variant)
wxAcceleratorTableGetAcceleratorTable ()
wxAccessibleGetAccessible ()
virtual void SetAcceleratorTable (const wxAcceleratorTable &accel)
void SetAccessible (wxAccessible *accessible)
bool Close (bool force=false)
virtual bool Destroy ()
bool IsBeingDeleted () const
virtual wxDropTargetGetDropTarget () const
virtual void SetDropTarget (wxDropTarget *target)
virtual void DragAcceptFiles (bool accept)
wxSizerGetContainingSizer () const
wxSizerGetSizer () const
void SetSizer (wxSizer *sizer, bool deleteOld=true)
void SetSizerAndFit (wxSizer *sizer, bool deleteOld=true)
wxLayoutConstraintsGetConstraints () const
void SetConstraints (wxLayoutConstraints *constraints)
void SetAutoLayout (bool autoLayout)
bool GetAutoLayout () const
void CaptureMouse ()
wxCaretGetCaret () const
const wxCursorGetCursor () const
virtual bool HasCapture () const
void ReleaseMouse ()
void SetCaret (wxCaret *caret)
virtual bool SetCursor (const wxCursor &cursor)
virtual void WarpPointer (int x, int y)
virtual bool EnableTouchEvents (int eventsMask)
wxHitTest HitTest (wxCoord x, wxCoord y) const
wxHitTest HitTest (const wxPoint &pt) const
wxBorder GetBorder (long flags) const
wxBorder GetBorder () const
virtual void DoUpdateWindowUI (wxUpdateUIEvent &event)
virtual WXWidget GetHandle () const
virtual bool HasMultiplePages () const
virtual void InheritAttributes ()
virtual bool IsDoubleBuffered () const
void SetDoubleBuffered (bool on)
virtual bool IsRetained () const
bool IsThisEnabled () const
virtual bool IsTopLevel () const
virtual void OnInternalIdle ()
virtual bool SendIdleEvents (wxIdleEvent &event)
virtual bool RegisterHotKey (int hotkeyId, int modifiers, int virtualKeyCode)
virtual bool UnregisterHotKey (int hotkeyId)
virtual void UpdateWindowUI (long flags=wxUPDATE_UI_NONE)
 wxWindow ()
 wxWindow (wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, const wxPoint &pos=wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize &size=wxDefaultSize, long style=0, const wxString &name=wxPanelNameStr)
virtual ~wxWindow ()
bool Create (wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, const wxPoint &pos=wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize &size=wxDefaultSize, long style=0, const wxString &name=wxPanelNameStr)
virtual bool AcceptsFocusFromKeyboard () const
virtual bool AcceptsFocusRecursively () const
void DisableFocusFromKeyboard ()
bool IsFocusable () const
bool CanAcceptFocus () const
bool CanAcceptFocusFromKeyboard () const
virtual bool HasFocus () const
virtual void SetCanFocus (bool canFocus)
virtual void EnableVisibleFocus (bool enable)
virtual void SetFocusFromKbd ()
virtual void AddChild (wxWindow *child)
bool DestroyChildren ()
wxWindowFindWindow (long id) const
wxWindowFindWindow (const wxString &name) const
wxWindowList & GetChildren ()
const wxWindowList & GetChildren () const
virtual void RemoveChild (wxWindow *child)
wxWindowGetGrandParent () const
wxWindowGetNextSibling () const
wxWindowGetParent () const
wxWindowGetPrevSibling () const
bool IsDescendant (wxWindow *win) const
virtual bool Reparent (wxWindow *newParent)
virtual void AlwaysShowScrollbars (bool hflag=true, bool vflag=true)
virtual int GetScrollPos (int orientation) const
virtual int GetScrollRange (int orientation) const
virtual int GetScrollThumb (int orientation) const
bool CanScroll (int orient) const
bool HasScrollbar (int orient) const
virtual bool IsScrollbarAlwaysShown (int orient) const
virtual bool ScrollLines (int lines)
virtual bool ScrollPages (int pages)
virtual void ScrollWindow (int dx, int dy, const wxRect *rect=NULL)
bool LineUp ()
bool LineDown ()
bool PageUp ()
bool PageDown ()
virtual void SetScrollPos (int orientation, int pos, bool refresh=true)
virtual void SetScrollbar (int orientation, int position, int thumbSize, int range, bool refresh=true)
void Center (int dir=wxBOTH)
void CenterOnParent (int dir=wxBOTH)
void Centre (int direction=wxBOTH)
void CentreOnParent (int direction=wxBOTH)
void GetPosition (int *x, int *y) const
wxPoint GetPosition () const
wxRect GetRect () const
void GetScreenPosition (int *x, int *y) const
wxPoint GetScreenPosition () const
wxRect GetScreenRect () const
virtual wxPoint GetClientAreaOrigin () const
wxRect GetClientRect () const
void Move (int x, int y, int flags=wxSIZE_USE_EXISTING)
void Move (const wxPoint &pt, int flags=wxSIZE_USE_EXISTING)
void SetPosition (const wxPoint &pt)
void ClientToScreen (int *x, int *y) const
wxPoint ClientToScreen (const wxPoint &pt) const
wxPoint ConvertDialogToPixels (const wxPoint &pt) const
wxSize ConvertDialogToPixels (const wxSize &sz) const
wxPoint ConvertPixelsToDialog (const wxPoint &pt) const
wxSize ConvertPixelsToDialog (const wxSize &sz) const
void ScreenToClient (int *x, int *y) const
wxPoint ScreenToClient (const wxPoint &pt) const
virtual void ClearBackground ()
void Freeze ()
void Thaw ()
bool IsFrozen () const
wxColour GetBackgroundColour () const
virtual wxBackgroundStyle GetBackgroundStyle () const
virtual int GetCharHeight () const
virtual int GetCharWidth () const
virtual wxVisualAttributes GetDefaultAttributes () const
virtual wxSize GetDPI () const
wxFont GetFont () const
wxColour GetForegroundColour () const
void GetTextExtent (const wxString &string, int *w, int *h, int *descent=NULL, int *externalLeading=NULL, const wxFont *font=NULL) const
wxSize GetTextExtent (const wxString &string) const
const wxRegionGetUpdateRegion () const
wxRect GetUpdateClientRect () const
virtual bool HasTransparentBackground ()
virtual void Refresh (bool eraseBackground=true, const wxRect *rect=NULL)
void RefreshRect (const wxRect &rect, bool eraseBackground=true)
virtual void Update ()
virtual bool SetBackgroundColour (const wxColour &colour)
virtual bool SetBackgroundStyle (wxBackgroundStyle style)
virtual bool IsTransparentBackgroundSupported (wxString *reason=NULL) const
virtual bool SetFont (const wxFont &font)
virtual bool SetForegroundColour (const wxColour &colour)
void SetOwnBackgroundColour (const wxColour &colour)
bool InheritsBackgroundColour () const
bool UseBgCol () const
bool UseBackgroundColour () const
void SetOwnFont (const wxFont &font)
void SetOwnForegroundColour (const wxColour &colour)
bool UseForegroundColour () const
bool InheritsForegroundColour () const
void SetPalette (const wxPalette &pal)
virtual bool ShouldInheritColours () const
virtual void SetThemeEnabled (bool enable)
virtual bool GetThemeEnabled () const
virtual bool CanSetTransparent ()
virtual bool SetTransparent (wxByte alpha)
wxEvtHandlerGetEventHandler () const
bool HandleAsNavigationKey (const wxKeyEvent &event)
bool HandleWindowEvent (wxEvent &event) const
bool ProcessWindowEvent (wxEvent &event)
bool ProcessWindowEventLocally (wxEvent &event)
wxEvtHandlerPopEventHandler (bool deleteHandler=false)
void PushEventHandler (wxEvtHandler *handler)
bool RemoveEventHandler (wxEvtHandler *handler)
void SetEventHandler (wxEvtHandler *handler)
virtual void SetNextHandler (wxEvtHandler *handler)
virtual void SetPreviousHandler (wxEvtHandler *handler)
long GetExtraStyle () const
virtual long GetWindowStyleFlag () const
long GetWindowStyle () const
bool HasExtraStyle (int exFlag) const
bool HasFlag (int flag) const
virtual void SetExtraStyle (long exStyle)
virtual void SetWindowStyleFlag (long style)
void SetWindowStyle (long style)
bool ToggleWindowStyle (int flag)
void MoveAfterInTabOrder (wxWindow *win)
void MoveBeforeInTabOrder (wxWindow *win)
bool Navigate (int flags=wxNavigationKeyEvent::IsForward)
bool NavigateIn (int flags=wxNavigationKeyEvent::IsForward)
virtual void Lower ()
virtual void Raise ()
bool Hide ()
virtual bool HideWithEffect (wxShowEffect effect, unsigned int timeout=0)
bool IsEnabled () const
bool IsExposed (int x, int y) const
bool IsExposed (wxPoint &pt) const
bool IsExposed (int x, int y, int w, int h) const
bool IsExposed (wxRect &rect) const
virtual bool IsShown () const
virtual bool IsShownOnScreen () const
bool Disable ()
virtual bool Enable (bool enable=true)
virtual bool Show (bool show=true)
virtual bool ShowWithEffect (wxShowEffect effect, unsigned int timeout=0)
wxString GetHelpText () const
void SetHelpText (const wxString &helpText)
virtual wxString GetHelpTextAtPoint (const wxPoint &point, wxHelpEvent::Origin origin) const
wxToolTipGetToolTip () const
wxString GetToolTipText () const
void SetToolTip (const wxString &tipString)
void SetToolTip (wxToolTip *tip)
void UnsetToolTip ()
int GetPopupMenuSelectionFromUser (wxMenu &menu, const wxPoint &pos=wxDefaultPosition)
int GetPopupMenuSelectionFromUser (wxMenu &menu, int x, int y)
bool PopupMenu (wxMenu *menu, const wxPoint &pos=wxDefaultPosition)
bool PopupMenu (wxMenu *menu, int x, int y)
virtual wxValidatorGetValidator ()
virtual void SetValidator (const wxValidator &validator)
virtual bool TransferDataFromWindow ()
virtual bool TransferDataToWindow ()
virtual bool Validate ()
wxWindowID GetId () const
virtual wxString GetLabel () const
virtual wxLayoutDirection GetLayoutDirection () const
virtual wxCoord AdjustForLayoutDirection (wxCoord x, wxCoord width, wxCoord widthTotal) const
virtual wxString GetName () const
wxWindowVariant GetWindowVariant () const
void SetId (wxWindowID winid)
virtual void SetLabel (const wxString &label)
virtual void SetLayoutDirection (wxLayoutDirection dir)
virtual void SetName (const wxString &name)
void SetWindowVariant (wxWindowVariant variant)
wxAcceleratorTableGetAcceleratorTable ()
wxAccessibleGetAccessible ()
virtual void SetAcceleratorTable (const wxAcceleratorTable &accel)
void SetAccessible (wxAccessible *accessible)
bool Close (bool force=false)
virtual bool Destroy ()
bool IsBeingDeleted () const
virtual wxDropTargetGetDropTarget () const
virtual void SetDropTarget (wxDropTarget *target)
virtual void DragAcceptFiles (bool accept)
wxSizerGetContainingSizer () const
wxSizerGetSizer () const
void SetSizer (wxSizer *sizer, bool deleteOld=true)
void SetSizerAndFit (wxSizer *sizer, bool deleteOld=true)
wxLayoutConstraintsGetConstraints () const
void SetConstraints (wxLayoutConstraints *constraints)
void SetAutoLayout (bool autoLayout)
bool GetAutoLayout () const
void CaptureMouse ()
wxCaretGetCaret () const
const wxCursorGetCursor () const
virtual bool HasCapture () const
void ReleaseMouse ()
void SetCaret (wxCaret *caret)
virtual bool SetCursor (const wxCursor &cursor)
virtual void WarpPointer (int x, int y)
virtual bool EnableTouchEvents (int eventsMask)
wxHitTest HitTest (wxCoord x, wxCoord y) const
wxHitTest HitTest (const wxPoint &pt) const
wxBorder GetBorder (long flags) const
wxBorder GetBorder () const
virtual void DoUpdateWindowUI (wxUpdateUIEvent &event)
virtual WXWidget GetHandle () const
virtual bool HasMultiplePages () const
virtual void InheritAttributes ()
virtual bool IsDoubleBuffered () const
void SetDoubleBuffered (bool on)
virtual bool IsRetained () const
bool IsThisEnabled () const
virtual bool IsTopLevel () const
virtual void OnInternalIdle ()
virtual bool SendIdleEvents (wxIdleEvent &event)
virtual bool RegisterHotKey (int hotkeyId, int modifiers, int virtualKeyCode)
virtual bool UnregisterHotKey (int hotkeyId)
virtual void UpdateWindowUI (long flags=wxUPDATE_UI_NONE)
- Public Member Functions inherited from wxEvtHandler
void CallAfter (void(T::*method)(T1,...), T1 x1,...)
void CallAfter (const T &functor)
bool ProcessEventLocally (wxEvent &event)
bool SafelyProcessEvent (wxEvent &event)
void ProcessPendingEvents ()
void DeletePendingEvents ()
void Connect (int id, int lastId, wxEventType eventType, wxObjectEventFunction function, wxObject *userData=NULL, wxEvtHandler *eventSink=NULL)
void Connect (int id, wxEventType eventType, wxObjectEventFunction function, wxObject *userData=NULL, wxEvtHandler *eventSink=NULL)
void Connect (wxEventType eventType, wxObjectEventFunction function, wxObject *userData=NULL, wxEvtHandler *eventSink=NULL)
bool Disconnect (wxEventType eventType, wxObjectEventFunction function, wxObject *userData=NULL, wxEvtHandler *eventSink=NULL)
bool Disconnect (int id=wxID_ANY, wxEventType eventType=wxEVT_NULL, wxObjectEventFunction function=NULL, wxObject *userData=NULL, wxEvtHandler *eventSink=NULL)
bool Disconnect (int id, int lastId, wxEventType eventType, wxObjectEventFunction function=NULL, wxObject *userData=NULL, wxEvtHandler *eventSink=NULL)
void Bind (const EventTag &eventType, Functor functor, int id=wxID_ANY, int lastId=wxID_ANY, wxObject *userData=NULL)
void Bind (const EventTag &eventType, void(Class::*method)(EventArg &), EventHandler *handler, int id=wxID_ANY, int lastId=wxID_ANY, wxObject *userData=NULL)
bool Unbind (const EventTag &eventType, Functor functor, int id=wxID_ANY, int lastId=wxID_ANY, wxObject *userData=NULL)
bool Unbind (const EventTag &eventType, void(Class::*method)(EventArg &), EventHandler *handler, int id=wxID_ANY, int lastId=wxID_ANY, wxObject *userData=NULL)
void * GetClientData () const
wxClientDataGetClientObject () const
void SetClientData (void *data)
void SetClientObject (wxClientData *data)
bool GetEvtHandlerEnabled () const
wxEvtHandlerGetNextHandler () const
wxEvtHandlerGetPreviousHandler () const
void SetEvtHandlerEnabled (bool enabled)
void Unlink ()
bool IsUnlinked () const
 wxEvtHandler ()
virtual ~wxEvtHandler ()
void CallAfter (void(T::*method)(T1,...), T1 x1,...)
void CallAfter (const T &functor)
bool ProcessEventLocally (wxEvent &event)
bool SafelyProcessEvent (wxEvent &event)
void ProcessPendingEvents ()
void DeletePendingEvents ()
void Connect (int id, int lastId, wxEventType eventType, wxObjectEventFunction function, wxObject *userData=NULL, wxEvtHandler *eventSink=NULL)
void Connect (int id, wxEventType eventType, wxObjectEventFunction function, wxObject *userData=NULL, wxEvtHandler *eventSink=NULL)
void Connect (wxEventType eventType, wxObjectEventFunction function, wxObject *userData=NULL, wxEvtHandler *eventSink=NULL)
bool Disconnect (wxEventType eventType, wxObjectEventFunction function, wxObject *userData=NULL, wxEvtHandler *eventSink=NULL)
bool Disconnect (int id=wxID_ANY, wxEventType eventType=wxEVT_NULL, wxObjectEventFunction function=NULL, wxObject *userData=NULL, wxEvtHandler *eventSink=NULL)
bool Disconnect (int id, int lastId, wxEventType eventType, wxObjectEventFunction function=NULL, wxObject *userData=NULL, wxEvtHandler *eventSink=NULL)
void Bind (const EventTag &eventType, Functor functor, int id=wxID_ANY, int lastId=wxID_ANY, wxObject *userData=NULL)
void Bind (const EventTag &eventType, void(Class::*method)(EventArg &), EventHandler *handler, int id=wxID_ANY, int lastId=wxID_ANY, wxObject *userData=NULL)
bool Unbind (const EventTag &eventType, Functor functor, int id=wxID_ANY, int lastId=wxID_ANY, wxObject *userData=NULL)
bool Unbind (const EventTag &eventType, void(Class::*method)(EventArg &), EventHandler *handler, int id=wxID_ANY, int lastId=wxID_ANY, wxObject *userData=NULL)
void * GetClientData () const
wxClientDataGetClientObject () const
void SetClientData (void *data)
void SetClientObject (wxClientData *data)
bool GetEvtHandlerEnabled () const
wxEvtHandlerGetNextHandler () const
wxEvtHandlerGetPreviousHandler () const
void SetEvtHandlerEnabled (bool enabled)
void Unlink ()
bool IsUnlinked () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from wxObject
 wxObject ()
 wxObject (const wxObject &other)
virtual ~wxObject ()
virtual wxClassInfoGetClassInfo () const
wxObjectRefDataGetRefData () const
bool IsKindOf (const wxClassInfo *info) const
bool IsSameAs (const wxObject &obj) const
void Ref (const wxObject &clone)
void SetRefData (wxObjectRefData *data)
void UnRef ()
void UnShare ()
void operator delete (void *buf)
void * operator new (size_t size, const wxString &filename=NULL, int lineNum=0)

Data Fields

bool game_ended = false
std::unique_ptr< Game, decltype(&game_free)> game { nullptr, game_free }
std::shared_ptr< BotParametersbot_params { nullptr }
wxVector< wxStringplayer_names
wxVector< PlayerTypeplayer_types
GameControllercontroller = nullptr
wxVector< PlayerInfoBox * > player_info_boxes
size_t displayed_log_entries = 0
wxTimer progress_timer
std::unique_ptr< wxBusyCursorbusy_cursor_changer { nullptr }
- Data Fields inherited from BaseGamePanel

Protected Member Functions

void on_game_log_select (wxCommandEvent &event)
void on_show_current_turn_clicked (wxCommandEvent &event)
void on_exit_game_clicked (wxCommandEvent &event)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from wxWindow
bool SafelyProcessEvent (wxEvent &event)
virtual void QueueEvent (wxEvent *event)
virtual void AddPendingEvent (const wxEvent &event)
void ProcessPendingEvents ()
bool ProcessThreadEvent (const wxEvent &event)
virtual void DoCentre (int direction)
virtual wxSize DoGetBestSize () const
virtual wxSize DoGetBestClientSize () const
virtual int DoGetBestClientHeight (int width) const
virtual int DoGetBestClientWidth (int height) const
virtual void SetInitialBestSize (const wxSize &size)
void SendDestroyEvent ()
virtual bool ProcessEvent (wxEvent &event)
bool SafelyProcessEvent (wxEvent &event)
virtual void QueueEvent (wxEvent *event)
virtual void AddPendingEvent (const wxEvent &event)
void ProcessPendingEvents ()
bool ProcessThreadEvent (const wxEvent &event)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from wxEvtHandler
virtual bool TryBefore (wxEvent &event)
virtual bool TryAfter (wxEvent &event)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from wxObject
void AllocExclusive ()
virtual wxObjectRefDataCreateRefData () const
virtual wxObjectRefDataCloneRefData (const wxObjectRefData *data) const

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from wxWindow
static wxSize FromDIP (const wxSize &sz, const wxWindow *w)
static wxPoint FromDIP (const wxPoint &pt, const wxWindow *w)
static int FromDIP (int d, const wxWindow *w)
static wxSize ToDIP (const wxSize &sz, const wxWindow *w)
static wxPoint ToDIP (const wxPoint &pt, const wxWindow *w)
static int ToDIP (int d, const wxWindow *w)
static wxSize FromPhys (const wxSize &sz, const wxWindow *w)
static wxPoint FromPhys (const wxPoint &pt, const wxWindow *w)
static int FromPhys (int d, const wxWindow *w)
static wxSize ToPhys (const wxSize &sz, const wxWindow *w)
static wxPoint ToPhys (const wxPoint &pt, const wxWindow *w)
static int ToPhys (int d, const wxWindow *w)
static wxVisualAttributes GetClassDefaultAttributes (wxWindowVariant variant=wxWINDOW_VARIANT_NORMAL)
static wxWindowFindFocus ()
static wxWindowFindWindowById (long id, const wxWindow *parent=0)
static wxWindowFindWindowByLabel (const wxString &label, const wxWindow *parent=0)
static wxWindowFindWindowByName (const wxString &name, const wxWindow *parent=0)
static wxWindowGetCapture ()
static wxWindowID NewControlId (int count=1)
static void UnreserveControlId (wxWindowID id, int count=1)
static wxVisualAttributes GetClassDefaultAttributes (wxWindowVariant variant=wxWINDOW_VARIANT_NORMAL)
static wxWindowFindFocus ()
static wxWindowFindWindowById (long id, const wxWindow *parent=0)
static wxWindowFindWindowByLabel (const wxString &label, const wxWindow *parent=0)
static wxWindowFindWindowByName (const wxString &name, const wxWindow *parent=0)
static wxWindowGetCapture ()
static wxWindowID NewControlId (int count=1)
static void UnreserveControlId (wxWindowID id, int count=1)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from wxEvtHandler
static void AddFilter (wxEventFilter *filter)
static void RemoveFilter (wxEventFilter *filter)
static void AddFilter (wxEventFilter *filter)
static void RemoveFilter (wxEventFilter *filter)
- Protected Attributes inherited from wxObject

Field Documentation

◆ game_ended

bool GamePanel::game_ended = false

Definition at line 68 of file game.hh.

Referenced by GameEndedController::on_activated().

◆ game

◆ bot_params

std::shared_ptr<BotParameters> GamePanel::bot_params { nullptr }

Definition at line 70 of file game.hh.

Referenced by GamePanel().

◆ player_names

wxVector<wxString> GamePanel::player_names

Definition at line 71 of file game.hh.

Referenced by GamePanel(), and update_player_info_boxes().

◆ player_types

wxVector<PlayerType> GamePanel::player_types

Definition at line 72 of file game.hh.

Referenced by GamePanel(), and get_controller_for_current_turn().

◆ controller

GameController* GamePanel::controller = nullptr

Definition at line 74 of file game.hh.

Referenced by CanvasPanel::on_any_mouse_event(), CanvasPanel::on_paint(), and set_controller().

◆ canvas

CanvasPanel* GamePanel::canvas

Definition at line 76 of file game.hh.

Referenced by GamePanel(), and on_show_current_turn_clicked().

◆ scrolled_panel

wxScrolledWindow* GamePanel::scrolled_panel

Definition at line 77 of file game.hh.

Referenced by GamePanel(), and update_layout().

◆ player_info_boxes

wxVector<PlayerInfoBox*> GamePanel::player_info_boxes

Definition at line 79 of file game.hh.

Referenced by GamePanel(), and update_player_info_boxes().

◆ game_controls_box

wxSizer* GamePanel::game_controls_box

Definition at line 81 of file game.hh.

Referenced by GamePanel(), and GameEndedController::on_activated().

◆ show_current_turn_btn

◆ exit_game_btn

wxButton* GamePanel::exit_game_btn

Definition at line 83 of file game.hh.

Referenced by GamePanel(), and GameEndedController::on_activated().

◆ log_list

wxListBox* GamePanel::log_list

Definition at line 85 of file game.hh.

Referenced by GamePanel(), on_show_current_turn_clicked(), and update_game_log().

◆ displayed_log_entries

size_t GamePanel::displayed_log_entries = 0

Definition at line 86 of file game.hh.

Referenced by update_game_log().

◆ progress_timer

wxTimer GamePanel::progress_timer

Definition at line 88 of file game.hh.

Referenced by GamePanel(), start_bot_progress(), and stop_bot_progress().

◆ busy_cursor_changer

std::unique_ptr<wxBusyCursor> GamePanel::busy_cursor_changer { nullptr }

Definition at line 90 of file game.hh.

Referenced by start_bot_progress(), and stop_bot_progress().

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ GamePanel()

GamePanel::GamePanel ( GameFrame parent,
wxWindowID  id,
NewGameDialog dialog 

Definition at line 208 of file

◆ ~GamePanel()

GamePanel::~GamePanel ( )

Definition at line 312 of file

Member Function Documentation

◆ update_layout()

void GamePanel::update_layout ( )

Reimplemented from BaseGamePanel.

Definition at line 318 of file

◆ update_game_state()

void GamePanel::update_game_state ( )

◆ update_game_log()

void GamePanel::update_game_log ( )

Definition at line 402 of file

Referenced by GamePanel(), and update_game_state().

◆ describe_game_log_entry()

wxString GamePanel::describe_game_log_entry ( size_t  index) const

Definition at line 414 of file

Referenced by update_game_log().

◆ get_controller_for_current_turn()

GameController * GamePanel::get_controller_for_current_turn ( )

Definition at line 331 of file

Referenced by on_show_current_turn_clicked(), and update_game_state().

◆ set_controller()

void GamePanel::set_controller ( GameController next_controller)

◆ show_game_results()

void GamePanel::show_game_results ( )

Definition at line 444 of file

Referenced by GameEndedController::on_activated().

◆ update_player_info_boxes()

void GamePanel::update_player_info_boxes ( )

Definition at line 451 of file

Referenced by GamePanel(), and GameController::on_activated().

◆ start_bot_progress()

void GamePanel::start_bot_progress ( )

Definition at line 364 of file

Referenced by BotTurnController::configure_bot_turn_ui().

◆ stop_bot_progress()

void GamePanel::stop_bot_progress ( )

◆ on_game_log_select()

void GamePanel::on_game_log_select ( wxCommandEvent event)

Definition at line 384 of file

Referenced by GamePanel().

◆ on_show_current_turn_clicked()

void GamePanel::on_show_current_turn_clicked ( wxCommandEvent event)

Definition at line 390 of file

Referenced by GamePanel().

◆ on_exit_game_clicked()

void GamePanel::on_exit_game_clicked ( wxCommandEvent event)

Definition at line 398 of file

Referenced by GamePanel().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: